Toata lumea are un blog sau un vlog.

                     Noi ne dorim un:  SHITZLOG.
Ce e SHITZLOG? Un blog in care ne strangem toata familia de shihtzunei.
Nu e un simplu blog despre catei Shih Tzu
Asa cum suntem pe Facebook, zilnic ne vedem, impartasim ganduri, poze, idei, pareri.... astfel ne dorim si pe SHITZLOG.

Tu ne trimiti un mesaj pe facebook, ne propui o tema sau chiar ne impartasesti o povestioara de-a ta... iar noi postam pe SHITZLOG.

Dorim sa derulam campania SHITZLOG.
Daca nu stii sa iti faci un blog, nu ai timp sa te ocupi de el sau pur si simplu ai o poveste care se potriveste mai bine pe blogul nostru, trimite-ne un mesaj pe facebook sau un email pe si noi iti postam intrebarea sau povestea pe blog.

Echipa noastra are grija ca povestea ta sa prinda culoare !
Fiecare poate citii povestea ta si toti putem lua parte la ea !


Everyone has a blog or vlog. 
We want a: SHITZLOG.
What is SHITZLOG? A blog where we gather all shihtzu dogs.

As we are on Facebook every day , we meet each other, we share thoughts, pictures, ideas, opinions .... so we want to have a SHITZLOG.

You send us a message on Facebook, suggest us a topic or share with us a story ... and we post it on SHITZLOG.

 We want to develop the SHITZLOG CAMPAIN.

If you don't know how to blog, you have no time to take care of a blog/vblog or just you have a story that fits better on our blog, send us a message on Facebook or send an email on: and we post on SHITZLOG your questions or story.

Our team makes sure that your story catch the color!
Anyone can read your story and everybody we take part in it!

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